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Free Weekly Reading….6th October

Free Weekly Reading
Hello there it’s that time of the week when you need to centre yourself and see what advice spirit has for you in the coming week, all you need to do is centre yourself and see which card you are drawn to, please note there is no wrong or right, and by adhering to the advice of spirit you can make an ordinary week turn into a fantastic week

If you are drawn to
Card one:
7 of wands
Ignore opposition and let nothing make you veer off from your course. Straighten out your affairs, make steps towards commitment, and refuse to accept less than what is essentially right…be true to yourself
Card two:
4 of wands
Produce the best you are capable of as effectively as you can and don’t live up to a conception of how you think you should be …or what anyone else thinks, for that matter
Two of pentacles
Don’t try to take on too many things at once for it is taking its toll on you and you are spreading yourself too thin. All is going out and nothing is coming in
Love and light
Psychic phone reader


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