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Scorpio Full Moon Tonight!

What a beautiful full moon there will be tonight. So in my frantic pace I hope to make time to step outside and bask in the ever glow of it.

Do you take time to admire our universe and see how lovely it is? There is no better time to do so than while the full moon shines upon all of us in all her glory.

I believe when you connect to our great cosmos you find peace and enlightenment. Try it – you will be truly amazed.

As you would know by now from reading my articles, I really believe it’s important to work with the Moon and her energies.

What to do with the full moon energy


It is time that you release all that negative energy. During this full moon is the time for forgiving people and situations which have happened to you in the past. By doing so, you allow yourself to grow and enrich your life in so many ways.

So tonight, while you have this Scorpio full moon shining upon you, go outside and admire it. Connect with the cosmos and release every negativity that has been holding you back.

Love and Light
Your True Clairvoyant


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