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AU: 0412421135

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Want to know what’s ahead for you this week?


Want to know what’s ahead for you this week?

Then this post will give you insight into your week, will it be an easy or challenging week?

Need guidance with your week, or just wanting a peak at what’s to come ?

Then look at participating in this tarot spread.
This spread accurately predicts your week.
Join in the fun and find out what your week holds for you ?
Follow the general guidelines to obtain a free mini look into your week.

Ok first thing….
What area of your life do you want to explore:
General outlook
Love matters
Work issues
Or/ Finances ?

Do you remember which number you chose on Saturday (1. 2. Or 3?)
If not pls go back to Saturday’s post to see which card you chose.
In this post we will look at Card 3

If you chose card 3
Seven of pentacles
The focus is on a pause in progress which can cause some dissatisfaction, anxiety or upset, or a re-evaluation of goals, aspirations or life itself

A neutral week where love is concerned with not much happening

You may dissatisfied with work, which will make you think of ways of becoming more successful or richer

You may worry about money, but try not worry as good news will arrive soon about some financial gain, and this will shed some positive light into the future of your finances and security

If you want a psychic phone reading today pls call Amanda directly on 0412421135


Horoscope - psychic readings phone Australia

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