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What an Exciting Month March will Be!
Often times people think that March is just another month – no big holidays, no Valentine’s Day or anything to really make people sit up and take note. How wrong can you be! Looking at the stars, I can tell you that this March is a really exciting time for all of us.
Cardinal Cross with the Uranus Pluto Square
On March 16 we have the final Uranus and Pluto square, the seventh in line since June 2012. Most of us will be breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Tell me, do you know where this Cardinal cross hits your chart? If not, it would a good idea to find out. Contact me via phone or use the contact form on the website and I will help you with this.
Through my psychic readings with some clients, lately it’s all been about relationships or money. My readings have been consumed by these themes – obviously there is a lot spirit wants us to find out about ourselves and our relationship to money and the way we act and interact with significant others in our lives. Listening to people discuss the ending of their relationships have been the toughest to digest. But obviously there are lessons we can learn from these events or patterns so we don’t take them to the next part of our lives.
What lessons do you have to learn during this time?
- Do I give too much in relationships ?
- Do I not compromise enough?
- Do I idealise the relationship, rather than seeing it for what it really is?
- Do I try to love myself through other people?
- Do I stay because I fear being alone?
Remember we are all here to learn lessons, once we let go of defeating patterns, life can be so wonderful and PAIN FREE.
So please, whatever signs you get around the 16th of this month, deal with it, accept it and move forward. There is no reason to complicate life any further.
A Super New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 20
On March 20 there is a Super New Moon Solar Eclipse at the last degree of Pisces. It’s a time of tying up loose ends, allowing old things to pass away and really start afresh. Thirteen hours later the sun moves into Aries and the autumn equinox begins in the Southern Hemisphere. The new energy begins and what a powerful beginning it is! I can’t wait to put the past behind me and focus on the new events which can shape my life into a more fulfilling and life rewarding experience.
Accept the upheavals, see them as a blessing in disguise and take on the new energy of the autumn equinox and life will be more exciting this month.
Remember, life is about learning, shedding and reinventing.
God bless!